Guy & Betty – Stan & Betty – Mum & Dad – Nanna & Papa
Known by different names to different people, they were Mum & Dad to me first and foremost. However to many people they were many different things, one thing they always were though was loved and respected.
This is the story of Guy & Betty Stansbury.
How they met, how they married, and how they gave so much to so many. They were married for 61 years, raised four children, saw seven grandchildren, welcomed eight great grandchildren and one great great grand-daughter to their family.
Guy played football at Prestwood FC for over 20 years, a lifetime commitment that saw him still keeping the grounds in his eighties. Betty was Grey Wolf to Wycombe District Cubs for many years and Leader Trainer to many adults in Scouting. Together they founded the Misbourne Unit, the first mixed Venture Scout & Ranger Guide unit in the UK. Pioneers who brought girls into Scouting and led the way forward in Scouting. Whether leading from the front or guiding from the back, they helped shape a nation of young people.
This is the story of their joint lives and the things of meaning to them.
Their family, both in supporting their direct descendants and recording or researching their family history.
The love of Sport and activities, that lead to a lifetime achievement award for Guy from the Bucks & Berks Football Association.
Their commitment to young people that forged Misbourne Unit, a tribute still going strong after 50 years, and led to a lifetime of service at County and Headquarters level. A commitment rewarded with their Silver Wolves after a combined 113 years of service to Scouting.